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Eugene Alain (E.A.) Seguy

Extremely little is known about E.A. Seguy who was active in Paris from 1900 to 1925. His mastery of decorative design and coloration is evident in the beautiful pochoir portfolios he created. Unusual in his capacity to span the Art Nouveau and Art Deco periods, Seguy's portfolio's remain exquisite examples of ornamentation and composition.



Cover Legend: E. A. Séguy (1889√1985),Papillons, Plate IV, Tolmer Editions, 13 Quai d'Anjou, Paris, c.1925. Séguy, an entymologist at the Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle and member of the French Academy of Science, produced a series of prints that merged the fields of science and the decorative arts. Nature for Séguy was ⌠a successful industrial designer.■ Naturalist illustrations and textile designs, published in eleven albums over a period of thirty years, reflect Art Nouveau, Art Deco and Cubist styles. Exotic specimens of butterflies, insects, and botanicals are depicted in vibrant color and minute scientific detail, often magnified 10√15 times to emphasize intricate patterning and anatomical nuance. The rare butterflies shown on the cover are intertwined and layered atop each other on the page, their gossamer wings forming an astonishing abstract collage. Séguy's prints have served as source material for artists, textile designers, ceramicists, and book illustrators to this day. The butterflies in this plate were found in Guiana, Brazil, India, and Borneo and have appeared, in less dramatic form, in journals of entymology and comparative physiology. The butterflies on our cover flutter as freely as a functioning anion channel liberated from its tethering chaperone. Image courtesy of a private collector; text by Ann Weissmann, exhibitions curator, MBL/WHOI Library.




оЕПЕИРХ  Б  юПР-ЦЮКЕПЕЧ Eugene Alain (E.A.) Seguy

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