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BioArtists Info



 ймхцх Х юркюяш

 яхярелю фхбнцн
 лхпю Б

 люярепяйюъ Х



Sergei Aparin




Russian born painter, lives and paints in Belgrad, Serbia (ex.Yugoslavia)

Born in Voronezh, Russia, in 1961.

Graduated from the Art Institute, Voronezh, Russia, in 1981.

From 1991 lives and works in Belgrade.

In the period from 1981 to 1991 he has exhibited his works
at numerous group exhibitions of young painters in St. Petersburg, Kiev and Moscow.

1992 - Group exhibition at the "Zemun Autumn Salon", Belgrade
1993 - One-man exhibition at the "Stara Kapetanija Zemun" Gallery, Belgrade
1993 - Awarded Prize at the Zemun Autumn Salon, Belgrade
1994 - One-man exhibition at the Kolarac Gallery, Belgrade
1994 - Group exhibition, Balkan Easterners Exhibition, Museum of Contemporary Art, Belgrade
1995 - One-man exhibition, Art expo International Exhibition, Budapest
1995 - One-man exhibition at "Arcade" Gallery, Budva
1995 - Participant at the Sićevo Art Colony '95, Niš
1995 - Group exhibition "Light and Water" included in the 36th "October Art Salon", Belgrade
1995 - One-man exhibition at the prestigious GSP Gallery, Belgrade
1995 - Group exhibition 22nd "Zemun Art Salon", Belgrade
1995 - Group exhibition "The Painted Scene", Cvijeta Zuzorić Art Pavilion, Belgrade
1996 - Group Show, "EUROP ART '96", Geneva
1996 - One-man exhibition at "Art media" Gallery, Belgrade
1997 - One-man exhibition at Gallery of Yugoslav Art, Belgrade
1997 - One-man exhibition at Centre international Art fantastica, Château Gruyére, Suisse
1998 - One-man exhibition, "Spinaker" Gallery, Herceg Novi
1999 - One-man exhibition at Forum Fribourg, Suisse
1999 - One-man exhibition at Centre international Art fantastica, Château Gruyére, Suisse
1999 - Group exhibition "Scent of Woman", Paris, France
2000 - One-man exhibition at "Fin Art" Gallery, Zug, Suisse
2002 - One-man exhibition at "Am Hof Gallery", Zug, Suisse
2003 - One-man exhibition at "Union of arts of Russia" Gallery, Voronezh, Russia
2004 - One-man exhibition at "Galerie de la Cathedrale", Fribourg, Suisse
2004 - One-man exhibition at "Sveti Stefan" Gallery, Sveti Stefan, Montenegro
2004 - One-man exhibition at "Spinaker" Gallery, Herceg Novi, Montenegro
2005 - One-man exhibition at ArtExpo, New York, United States
2005 - One-man exhibition at "Interart Gallery", New York, United States
2005 - Group exhibition "H.C. Andersen +", Castle Vorergaard, Danish
2006 - Group exhibition "Horizons", Villa La Ferdinanda, Artemino, Italy
2006 - Group exhibition "Culture a Confronto", Barletta, Italy
2006 - Group exhibition Salon of fantastic painting "Chimeria", Sedan, France
2006 - Group exhibition "Etre Ange, Étrange", Grand Palais, Paris, France
2006 - Group exhibition "Metaphisival Painting" - "Progres" Gallery, Belgrade
2006 - One-man exhibition - Retrospective, Art Point Gallery, Belgrade

Participation in Art Colonies:
1996 - Mont Atos, Chilandar, Greece
1998 - Mont Atos, Chilandar, Greece
Works in private collections in Russia, Serbia and Montenegro, Slovenia, Germany,
Netherlands, England, France, Italy, Swiss, USA, Canada
and at Museum "Centre international Art fantastica", Château Gruyére, Suisse


яЯШКЙХ - яЕПЦЕИ юОЮПХМ - Sergei Aparin - Links:

юБРНПЯЙХИ ЯЮИР Sergei Aparin




contaKKt me: bio-art@mail.ru

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